Accept Credit Card Payments with Online Processing | Crunched

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Features Processing

Accept online credit card payments with Crunched Processing.

Offer your customers a simple, secure way to pay with Crunched Processing. Seamlessly sync your Priority Payments merchant account directly with your accounts receivable while automatically updating your customer balances. Select the plan that is right for you and get paid faster.

Start merchant application
  • Enterprise

  • Great for established businesses who process more than $10,000 per month.

  • Account management

  • Custom plan generation

  • B2B pricing structure

  • Transition assistance

  • Contact sales

Why choose Crunched Processing?

Aside from the added convenience and time saving nature of accepting credit cards, Crunched Processing securely offers low, competitive pricing with no transaction limits, no cancellation fees, and superior customer service.

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Low, competitive pricing

No need to shop rates to find the best deal, it's right here. Crunched Processing conveniently offers the lowest pricing in the industry.

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No cancellation fees

No obligations, no surprises, and no hidden fees. If you would need to close your processing account, simply notify our team.

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No transaction limits

For companies that process high value sales, unlike other processing providers, Crunched Processing does not have a transaction limit.

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Five star customer service

Have questions or need assistance with your account? Contact the Priority support center for professional, real-time support.

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B2B pricing availability

Save on processing fees and get the best pricing available with Business 2 Business rate structures and custom plan generation.

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Once your account is setup, experience the convenience of offering additional payment methods to your customers.

Benefits of accepting credit cards


Paying with a credit card online is an added convenience not only for your customers, but also for you and your business. It makes the transfer of funds for goods and services seamless and timely.

Customer Accessibility

Similar to increased sales potential, by accepting credit cards you will have accessibility to customers that may not have the ability to readily pay via cash or check payments.

Two credit cards

Increased Sales Potential

Some customers may need financing or payment terms that credit card providers offer. Offering the ability to pay via credit could lead to sales orders that may otherwise not have been made.


No need to worry about the transfer of bad checks or moving cash for sales or services. Credit cards offer another layer of security that is not available with cash or check payments. With Crunched Processing, you have access to a PCI compliant, advanced security, processing system.

Frequently asked questions

Here are a few frequently asked questions regarding Crunched Processing.

Credit card input screen
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