Features Accuracy

Gone are the days of falling behind or partially prepared accounting records.

Throughout Crunched, we have strategically designed and implemented various spot checks, status bars, and prominent notifications to assist in your daily record keeping functions. When record keeping becomes fun, accurate records follow.

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Crunched saved reconciliation notification

Prominent Notifications

Throughout Crunched, you will be presented with prominent notifications regarding successful actions, errors that may arise, or maybe just a hello! Crunched was designed to help you be successful and most importantly, accurate.

Balanced journal entry input screen with success status bar

Clear Status Bars

Have you ever gotten stuck entering data and not know how to proceed? Crunched provides tips and tricks throughout data entry screens that clearly state requirements for accurate postings.

Crunched check creation with error notification

Error Proof Data Entry

We have designed our data entry screens with two goals in mind, promote accuracy, and never leave users lost. With Crunched, we have provided numerous spot checks to be sure you data is error proof.

Crunched checked off cleared line items on reconciliation screen

Clearly Reconciled Bank Accounts

Quickly stay reconciled with the click of a button. Simply check bank transactions that have cleared the checkbook and always have an accurate checkbook balance.

Stay accurate all year with the Crunched Small Business Accounting Checklist

For most small business owners, managing accounting tasks can be a challenge. Thats why we have created a small business accounting checklist to help keep you on track with which tasks need to be completed daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually. Keeping it on hand will help keep you on track as you move through the year.

Small Business Accounting Checklist

Error popup notification
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Banking | Ledger | Security

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